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The 5 Step Lead Generation System for Higher Sales Conversions

Whether you’re finding it hard to get qualified leads or finding it difficult to convert them to paying customers, wouldn’t it be great to have a proven lead generation system you could use to attract qualified leads, eliminate tyre-kickers, convert prospects to clients and make a tidy profit even after they’ve bought your highest value product? You can do all of this without making a single cold call and replicate the process over and over again easily and for a lot less than it would cost you if you continue using traditional marketing methods.

This system is built on the fundamental principles of growing a business. These are:

1. Increasing the number of customers or clients who buy your products or services

2. Increasing the average dollar value of the transaction for every customer

3. Increasing the number of purchases made by each customer

If you have ever bought a domain name from Go Daddy or a book from Amazon, you’ll understand exactly what I mean. They don’t let you get off with just a domain name purchase or buying one book, do they? There are always add-ons offered before you get to check-out. In the case of Amazon, it may be books on a related topic others have bought. Go Daddy will offer you domain names with different extensions such as dot mobi or dot net, hosting for your website and will also try and lock in your domain name purchase for a longer duration of 3 to 5 years.

So let’s see how you can fit these three lead generation fundamentals to create a sales funnel which generates leads you can easily convert into sales and feed their hunger even if you have nothing more to sell.


Create a Lead Grabber

The first principle of growing your business is to increase the number of customers or clients who buy your products or services.

A simple way to do this by creating a lead grabber. Most of you may already be familiar with this step. As the name implies, the purpose of a lead grabber is to grab the contact details of prospects in exchange for providing some valuable information such as answering a perplexing question to something that’s been bothering them. As many of you may have guessed, the most common form for this lead generation tactic is providing the information in the form of a free report.

Here are a few ideas for you.


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The most common method of generating leads this way is to have an opt-in form on your website, so visitors fill in their name and email address in exchange for the information. Alternatively you can publish a small black and white ad where prospects can call a number to order the report, fill in a form and mail it to you or the ad can direct them to a landing page.

Step #2

The Tyre-Ticker

Once you’ve set up a landing page for your Lead Grabber and drive traffic to the page, you will find your auto responder quickly fill up with names and email addresses of prospects. The sad truth is that many of the website visitors who opt-in will never buy from you. At this stage you still have not qualified your leads. Many marketers waste time and money on email campaigns targeting their generic list without segmenting the leads.

The question is, how do you know which of the leads generated will convert to sales?

There is a simple and effective way to do this. It’s called the tyre-kicker offer. A day or two after prospects sign up for the free report, offer them another product which is of high perceived value. This time, instead of offering it for free, charge them a small fee, low enough to make the purchase a no-brainer.

Why do we have this low-priced offer? This is how we separate the serious prospects from the tyre-kickers. If prospects aren’t willing to part with a measly $7 to $20, what chance do you think you have doing business with them?

Of course, it goes without saying that the offer needs to be so attractive and affordable that it’s hard to resist.

This step is the key difference to creating your sales funnel in 2014. Make sure you don’t miss this step as it could save you thousands of dollars in marketing costs by eliminating the tyre-kickers from your marketing funnel.

Now you can focus on prospects who are really serious… people who have already invested money with you. You may wish to move these buyers into a separate list in your auto responder as the next part of the funnel will focus on them.

Step #3

The High-Ticket Offer

If you’re probably wondering how you will turn over a profit with a $7 to $20 product, the answer is you don’t. The only reason you’re making this offer is to acquire a customer. Although you haven’t made any money yet, you’ve started the process of building a responsive list of buyers.

You should already have a High-Ticket Offer, your Cash Cow product or service which is the backbone of your business. How much easier is it to sell your High-Ticket offer to customers who have gained immense value from your tyre-kicker offer? By this time they would be virtually begging you to sell them something. The tyre-kicker gave them a taste of what’s to come. The High-Ticket Offer feeds this hunger.

You’re now attempting to get buyers of your Tyre-Kicker offer to make a big leap of faith and invest in your High-Ticket offer, which could be in the $297 to $497 price point or in a price bracket that’s relevant to your industry. To get them over the line, this is where you pack in the proof in the form of testimonials and case studies. Reversing the customer’s risk by offering a no-holds-barred guarantee also helps in getting those teetering on the edge to cross over the line.


The Platinum Profit Maker

Now you’ve got the customer to place an order three times. You’ve got them excited and many are raving fans. They’re hanging on to your every word and want more. It’s time for the Platinum Profit Maker, your top-of-the range offer for customers who are really committed and are willing to do what it takes to succeed. These are the customers who will become your raving fans and promote you like crazy.

It is worthwhile mentioning here that a part of the profits you make from your High-Ticket Offer should be invested in promoting the Platinum Profit Maker. You need to pull out all the steps in presenting this offer using webinars, video sales letters email marketing and even direct mail. Your prospects consume information in different ways – Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic, so appeal to all the senses in getting your message across effectively.

The tactics you need here are exclusivity and takeaway selling. Your pitch should focus around exclusivity and restrict the offer to a select few customers and that too by application only. You need to create the impression that it doesn’t matter to you one bit if customers don’t take up the offer because the supply is limited and it’s not for everyone.

The goal in step is to increase the average dollar value of the customer, the second principle of growing a business.

Step #5

The Relationship Path

The goal of this step is to increase the number of purchases your customer makes over the life of your business relationship. This is the third principle for growing a business.

Die hard sports fans remain loyal to their teams for decades, often for a lifetime. They follow every game and some fans can reel of statistics of their favourite players to impress their friends.

You want to create the same kind of relationship with your customers. Some may have consumed all your material, taken action and achieved results. Others may have bought into your offers but not yet taken any action with the material. In either case, now you’ve established yourself as the expert; for fear of missing out on what’s new in the market, they have an insatiable desire to learn more from you. It’s your job to keep feeding them with information and products.

This is where affiliate marketing can be used as a nice earner if you’ve exhausted all your products. An email blast promoting someone else’s product, relevant to your niche can generate instant cash flow. As your list of subscribers grows you can approach other businesses with large lists to promote your products, if you agree to promote theirs.

The key to success here is to constantly feed your subscriber list with information and offers. Send them emails at least once a week. Get them to join your Facebook groups and YouTube channel, follow you on twitter and connect on LinkedIn. The more touch points you have the greater your influence in the market.

This is the exact lead generation system which can be replicated in any business to achieve staggering profits. It’s simple and can be easily applied to help your business grow exponentially in any economy.

If you enjoyed this article and would like more details about building an automated lead generation system, Click Here to get Free in-depth lessons which explains the process in more detail.

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